Q-PETS logo


q-pets.com 1-10 employees
Animals & Pet Supplies Shopify Plus
Platform Shopify
Location Hong Kong
Language Chinese
Currency HKD
Store q-pets.com
Products 1,642
label-3 Avg. Price $185.02
Tech/Apps 0 Shopify Apps

Q-PETS Overview: Company Profile and Brand Information

Q-PETS is a Animals & Pet Supplies direct to consumer (dtc/d2c) brand that has established itself in the ecommerce space. With a team of 1-10 employees, Q-PETS operates on the Shopify platform, catering primarily to customers in Hong Kong.

每位寵物家長和愛寵的連繫都是獨一無二的。由踏進家門的一刻開始,寵物便成爲我們最好的朋友、最親的家庭成員。Q-Pets 期望以這份無條件的愛出發,照顧寵物成長的每個需要,將溫暖及歡樂融入生活日常。憑著累積多年的經驗及專業知識,我們致力為每位寵物家長帶來全方位的護寵產品和個性化服務,成爲社區內信賴的寵物護理首選。希望每隻小肉球、每聲呼嚕、每雙期待滿滿的眼神都能被好好善待,得到同樣暖心的呵護及回應。

For customer support and inquiries, Q-PETS can be reached at their dedicated support email: pidcs@jebsen.com

Shopify Plus Merchant

As a Shopify Plus merchant, Q-PETS has access to enterprise-level features, indicating significant sales volume and scalability for future growth.

Product Catalog

With 1,642 items, Q-PETS demonstrates an extensive approach to their offerings.

Target Market

Q-PETS operates in Chinese, catering to a Chinese-speaking customer base and accepts payments in HKD.

Pricing Strategy

The average product price is $185.02 , positioning Q-PETS in the premium segment of the Animals & Pet Supplies market.

Instagram Performance

Q-PETS's Instagram following has grown by 186 followers over the last 30 days ( + 19.35% ) . Follow them at @qpets.hk .

Best-Selling Products for Q-PETS

Explore Q-PETS's top-performing products, showcasing the brand's most popular and successful offerings. This curated list provides insights into consumer preferences and the brand's strengths in the Animals & Pet Supplies market.

Q-PETS Updates: Latest Activities and Brand Events

Stay informed about Q-PETS's latest activities, including new product launches, promotions, and technology updates. This timeline provides valuable insights into the brand's recent developments and market strategies.

Comprehensive timeline of recent Q-PETS brand activities, including product launches, promotions, and technology changes.
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New Product Launch

Schesir 雪詩雅: STIX 無穀貓條三文魚口味 6x150g

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New Product Launch

Schesir 雪詩雅: 雞肉口味亞洲炒飯狗狗主食罐 150g

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New Product Launch

Schesir 雪詩雅: 雞肉瑪沙拉狗狗主食罐 150g

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New Product Launch

Schesir 雪詩雅: 羊肉配雞湯狗狗主食罐 150g

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New Product Launch

Schesir 雪詩雅: 泰式椰子雞狗狗主食罐 150g

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Q-PETS Discount Codes: Latest Promotions and Offers

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